Practical, Round-Optimal Lattice-Based Blind Signatures


Agrawal Shweta1,Kirshanova Elena2,Stehlé Damien3,Yadav Anshu1


1. IIT Madras, Chennai, India

2. I. Kant BFU & Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE

3. ENS de Lyon & Institut Universitaire de France, Lyon, France


DST "Swarnajayanti" fellowship

IndoFrench CEFIPRA project

ANR AMIRAL project

Young Russian Mathematics scholarship

Russian Science Foundation grant

National Blockchain Project

European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program

BPI-France in the context of the national project RISQ



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2. Lattice-Based Blind Signatures: Short, Efficient, and Round-Optimal;Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security;2023-11-15

3. Threshold Lattice-Based Signature Scheme for Authentication by Wearable Devices;Cryptography;2023-07-04

4. Non-interactive Blind Signatures for Random Messages;Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2023;2023

5. Spherical Gaussian Leftover Hash Lemma via the Rényi Divergence;Applied Cryptography and Network Security;2023







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