1. ISO/IEC 15291: Information technology - Programming languages - Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS) ISO/IEC 15291: Information technology - Programming languages - Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS)
2. https://github.com/AdaCore/libadalang https://github.com/AdaCore/libadalang
3. Goos, Gerhard; Winterstein, Georg ( 1980 ). " Towards a compiler front-end for Ada ". Proceedings of the ACMSIGPLAN symposium on Ada programming language. Annual International Conference on Ada. ACMSIGPLAN. pp. 36 -- 46 . Goos, Gerhard; Winterstein, Georg (1980). "Towards a compiler front-end for Ada". Proceedings of the ACMSIGPLAN symposium on Ada programming language. Annual International Conference on Ada. ACMSIGPLAN. pp. 36--46.
4. About the Difficulties of Building a Pretty-Printer for Ada
5. https://github.com/Adalog-fr/Adacontrol https://github.com/Adalog-fr/Adacontrol