1. University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
There have been two polls asking theorists (and others) what they thought of P vs NP and related questions [5, 6]. Both were written by me (William Gasarch) and appeared in the Complexity Column of SIGACT News, edited by Lane A. Hemaspaandra.
I have conducted a third poll. The results of that poll will appear in Lane's column in this issue (Volume 50, Number 1, March 2019). In the article I did not give my own answers [though I commented on other people's answers in square brackets]. By contrast, this column contains my answers about the status of P vs. NP. For information on what is the status of P vs NP see Scott Aaronson's article [1], Lance Fortnow's article [3], or (for the layperson) Lance Fortnow's book [4].
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
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1 articles.