Neural jacobian fields


Aigerman Noam1,Gupta Kunal2,Kim Vladimir G.1,Chaudhuri Siddhartha3,Saito Jun1,Groueix Thibault1


1. Adobe Research

2. University of California San Diego

3. Adobe Research, IIT Bombay, India


This paper introduces a framework designed to accurately predict piecewise linear mappings of arbitrary meshes via a neural network, enabling training and evaluating over heterogeneous collections of meshes that do not share a triangulation, as well as producing highly detail-preserving maps whose accuracy exceeds current state of the art. The framework is based on reducing the neural aspect to a prediction of a matrix for a single given point, conditioned on a global shape descriptor. The field of matrices is then projected onto the tangent bundle of the given mesh, and used as candidate jacobians for the predicted map. The map is computed by a standard Poisson solve, implemented as a differentiable layer with cached pre-factorization for efficient training. This construction is agnostic to the triangulation of the input, thereby enabling applications on datasets with varying triangulations. At the same time, by operating in the intrinsic gradient domain of each individual mesh, it allows the framework to predict highly-accurate mappings. We validate these properties by conducting experiments over a broad range of scenarios, from semantic ones such as morphing, registration, and deformation transfer, to optimization-based ones, such as emulating elastic deformations and contact correction, as well as being the first work, to our knowledge, to tackle the task of learning to compute UV parameterizations of arbitrary meshes. The results exhibit the high accuracy of the method as well as its versatility, as it is readily applied to the above scenarios without any changes to the framework.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design

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1. Learning Contact Deformations with General Collider Descriptors;SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Conference Papers;2023-12-10

2. Explorable Mesh Deformation Subspaces from Unstructured 3D Generative Models;SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Conference Papers;2023-12-10

3. LiCROM: Linear-Subspace Continuous Reduced Order Modeling with Neural Fields;SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Conference Papers;2023-12-10

4. Variational Barycentric Coordinates;ACM Transactions on Graphics;2023-12-05

5. Neural Face Rigging for Animating and Retargeting Facial Meshes in the Wild;Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference Conference Proceedings;2023-07-23







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