For large and complex projects the structure of requirements becomes a factor of utmost importance. This paper suggests a small set of primitive constructs that allow requirements to be expressed and structured in various views. Among ways to increase the quality of requirements this paper considers (i) the
network metaphor
and (ii)
conceptual modeling
, which includes
requirements crystallization
activity. Then query types that follow the suggested meta-model are introduced and discussed. These queries operate at several levels: text, element, diagram, and model. This paper has a methodological flavor at two levels: First, it suggests a specific way of developing requirements; second, it aims to demonstrate the relationship between the meta-model we choose and the set of query types we build for it. A visual editor VR (Visual Requirements) has been developed to support the approach and queries described here. Among other applications, VR has been used in the maintenance context to estimate, on the base of use cases models, the size of more than a hundred of software initiatives, including multi-million-dollar projects.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)