1. Inside Out
2. Pupillary behavior in positive and negative emotions
3. Alexander Baldwin , Daniel Johnson , Peta Wyeth , and Penny Sweetser . 2013. A framework of dynamic difficulty adjustment in competitive multiplayer video games. In 2013 IEEE international games innovation conference (IGIC) . IEEE , 16–19. Alexander Baldwin, Daniel Johnson, Peta Wyeth, and Penny Sweetser. 2013. A framework of dynamic difficulty adjustment in competitive multiplayer video games. In 2013 IEEE international games innovation conference (IGIC). IEEE, 16–19.
4. Target assistance for subtly balancing competitive play
5. Michael Brandse and Kiyoshi Tomimatsu . 2014. Using Color Guidance to Improve on Usability in Interactive Environments . In HCI International 2014 - Posters ’ Extended Abstracts, Constantine Stephanidis (Ed.). Springer International Publishing , Cham, 3–8. Michael Brandse and Kiyoshi Tomimatsu. 2014. Using Color Guidance to Improve on Usability in Interactive Environments. In HCI International 2014 - Posters’ Extended Abstracts, Constantine Stephanidis (Ed.). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 3–8.