A note on minimal length polygonal approximation to a digitized contour


Montanari U.1


1. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa, Italy


A method for extracting a smooth polygonal contour from a digitized image is illustrated. The ordered sequence of contour points and the connection graph of the image are first obtained by a modified Ledley algorithm in one image scan. A minimal perimeter polygon subjected to specified constraints is then chosen as the approximating contour. The determination of the minimal polygon can be reduced to a nonlinear programming problem, solved by an algorithm which takes into account the weak bonds between variables. Some examples are presented, and the corresponding computing times are listed.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


General Computer Science

Reference8 articles.

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3. On the quantization of line-drawing data;FREEMAN H.;IEEE Trans SSC-5,1969

4. Sequential Operations in Digital Picture Processing

5. Sulla descrizione strutturale di immagini

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1. Fast progressive polygonal approximations for online strokes;Graphical Models;2023-10

2. Local Scanned Point-Cloud Registration of Aeroengine Pipeline System Based on Axial Constraints;IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement;2023

3. Border Vectorization for Ice Detection Problem;2022 Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus);2022-01-25

4. Silhouette Vectorization by Affine Scale-Space;Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision;2021-09-23

5. Accurate Silhouette Vectorization by Affine Scale-Space;2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP);2021-09-19








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