1. A Case Study of the Introduction of Computer Science in NZ Schools
2. Clear T. and Bidois G. "Fluency in Information Technology -- FITNZ: An ICT Curriculum Meta-Framework for New Zealand High Schools." Bulletin of Applied Computing and IT 3 (2005)
3. http://www.citrenz.ac.nz/bacit/0303/2005Clear_FITNZ.htm. Accessed 2015 September 23. Clear T. and Bidois G. "Fluency in Information Technology -- FITNZ: An ICT Curriculum Meta-Framework for New Zealand High Schools." Bulletin of Applied Computing and IT 3 (2005)
4. http://www.citrenz.ac.nz/bacit/0303/2005Clear_FITNZ.htm. Accessed 2015 September 23.