1. Computational tools for clinical support: a multi-scale compliant model for haemodynamic simulations in an aortic dissection based on multi-modal imaging data
2. Therapeutic options in pulmonary hepatic vascular diseases
3. Emily L Manchester , Selene Pirola , Mohammad Yousuf Salmasi , Declan P O’Regan , Thanos Athanasiou , and Xiao Yun Xu. 2021. Analysis of turbulence effects in a patient-specific aorta with aortic valve stenosis. Cardiovascular engineering and technology 12 ( 2021 ), 438–453. Emily L Manchester, Selene Pirola, Mohammad Yousuf Salmasi, Declan P O’Regan, Thanos Athanasiou, and Xiao Yun Xu. 2021. Analysis of turbulence effects in a patient-specific aorta with aortic valve stenosis. Cardiovascular engineering and technology 12 (2021), 438–453.
4. Wenyang Pan. 2021. Computer aided surgery: Application to aortic dissection. Ph. D. Dissertation. Université de Lyon. Wenyang Pan. 2021. Computer aided surgery: Application to aortic dissection. Ph. D. Dissertation. Université de Lyon.
5. Gerardus Polla . 2013. Comparing accuracy of differential equation results between runge-kutta fehlberg methods and adams-moulton methods. Applied mathematical Science 7 ( 2013 ), 5115–5127. Gerardus Polla. 2013. Comparing accuracy of differential equation results between runge-kutta fehlberg methods and adams-moulton methods. Applied mathematical Science 7 (2013), 5115–5127.