1. S. Yamanoor and N. S. Yamanoor , “ With the raspberry pi ,” no. 46, pp. 3– 7 , 2016 . S. Yamanoor and N. S. Yamanoor, “With the raspberry pi,” no. 46, pp. 3–7, 2016.
2. Identification of Leaf Blast and Brown Spot Diseases on Rice Leaf with YOLO Algorithm
3. Z. Ozkan , “ Raspberry Pi Platformu Kullan ı larak İ nsans ı z Hava Araçlar ı n ı n Nesne Tespiti ve Tan ı mas ı Object Detection and Recognition of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using Raspberry Pi Platform ,” pp. 467– 472 , 2021 . Z. Ozkan, “Raspberry Pi Platformu Kullan ı larak İ nsans ı z Hava Araçlar ı n ı n Nesne Tespiti ve Tan ı mas ı Object Detection and Recognition of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using Raspberry Pi Platform,” pp. 467–472, 2021.
4. Classification of Red Blood Cell Morphology Using Image Processing and Support Vector Machine
5. Detection and Counting of Red Blood Cells in Human Urine using Canny Edge Detection and Circle Hough Transform Algorithms