1. CASALETTO J PICKET M AND RICE J A comparison of some numerical integration programs CSD TR 37 Purdue U Lafayette ind June 1969 also SIGNUM Newsletter ~ (1969) 30-40]] 10.1145/1198442.1198448 CASALETTO J PICKET M AND RICE J A comparison of some numerical integration programs CSD TR 37 Purdue U Lafayette ind June 1969 also SIGNUM Newsletter ~ (1969) 30-40]] 10.1145/1198442.1198448
2. D~vIs P AND RABINOWI~Z P NumericalIntegration Blaisdell Waltham Mass 1967]] D~vIs P AND RABINOWI~Z P NumericalIntegration Blaisdell Waltham Mass 1967]]