1. Wikipedia. List of countries by number of mobile phones in use. https://goo.gl/h8Oaj9 Wikipedia. List of countries by number of mobile phones in use. https://goo.gl/h8Oaj9
2. Dhakatribune. Smartphone users on the rise. https://goo.gl/hViO43 Dhakatribune. Smartphone users on the rise. https://goo.gl/hViO43
3. Bangladesh Fire service https://goo.gl/7nNMZC Bangladesh Fire service https://goo.gl/7nNMZC
4. Bangladesh Police Phonebook https://goo.gl/ssevw9 Bangladesh Police Phonebook https://goo.gl/ssevw9
5. Schiller J. & Voisard A. (Eds.). (2004). Location-based Services. Elsevier. Schiller J. & Voisard A. (Eds.). (2004). Location-based Services. Elsevier.