Timely Reporting of Heavy Hitters Using External Memory


Singh Shikha1,Pandey Prashant2,Bender Michael A.3,Berry Jonathan W.4,Farach-Colton Martín5,Johnson Rob6,Kroeger Thomas M.4,Phillips Cynthia A.4


1. Williams College, Williamstown, MA

2. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories and University of California Berkeley

3. Stony Brook University, NY, USA

4. Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM

5. Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ

6. VMware Research, Palo Alto, CA


Given an input stream S of size N , a ɸ-heavy hitter is an item that occurs at least ɸN times in S . The problem of finding heavy-hitters is extensively studied in the database literature. We study a real-time heavy-hitters variant in which an element must be reported shortly after we see its T = ɸ N-th occurrence (and hence it becomes a heavy hitter). We call this the Timely Event Detection ( TED ) Problem. The TED problem models the needs of many real-world monitoring systems, which demand accurate (i.e., no false negatives) and timely reporting of all events from large, high-speed streams with a low reporting threshold (high sensitivity). Like the classic heavy-hitters problem, solving the TED problem without false-positives requires large space (Ω (N) words). Thus in-RAM heavy-hitters algorithms typically sacrifice accuracy (i.e., allow false positives), sensitivity, or timeliness (i.e., use multiple passes). We show how to adapt heavy-hitters algorithms to external memory to solve the TED problem on large high-speed streams while guaranteeing accuracy, sensitivity, and timeliness. Our data structures are limited only by I/O-bandwidth (not latency) and support a tunable tradeoff between reporting delay and I/O overhead. With a small bounded reporting delay, our algorithms incur only a logarithmic I/O overhead. We implement and validate our data structures empirically using the Firehose streaming benchmark. Multi-threaded versions of our structures can scale to process 11M observations per second before becoming CPU bound. In comparison, a naive adaptation of the standard heavy-hitters algorithm to external memory would be limited by the storage device’s random I/O throughput, i.e., ≈100K observations per second.



Laboratory-Directed Research-and-Development program at Sandia National Laboratories

National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC.

Honeywell International, Inc.

U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration

U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Government

Advanced Scientific Computing Research

Office of Science of the DOE


Exascale Computing Project

U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science and the National Nuclear Security Administration


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Information Systems

Reference63 articles.

1. Zipf, Power Law, Pareto: A ranking tutorial. HP Research;Adamic L. A.;http://www.hpl.hp.com/research/idl/papers/ranking/ranking.html,2008

2. The input/output complexity of sorting and related problems;Aggarwal Alok;Commun. ACM,1988

3. FireHose Benchmarking Streaming Architectures;Anderson Karl;https://www.clsac.org/uploads/5/0/6/3/50633811/anderson-clsac-2016.pdf,2016

4. FireHose Streaming Benchmarks;Anderson Karl;https://github.com/stream-benchmarking/firehose,2013








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