1. Cisco, Cisco Visual Networking Index : Forecast and Trends , 2017 -- 2022 , Dec. 2018. Cisco, Cisco Visual Networking Index: Forecast and Trends, 2017--2022, Dec. 2018.
2. ITU, "New ` Versatile Video Coding' standard to enable next-generation video compression ," Sept. 2020 , [Online]. Available: https://www.itu.int/en/mediacentre/Pages/pr13-2020-New-Versatile-Video-coding-standard-video-compression.aspx. ITU, "New `Versatile Video Coding' standard to enable next-generation video compression," Sept. 2020, [Online]. Available: https://www.itu.int/en/mediacentre/Pages/pr13-2020-New-Versatile-Video-coding-standard-video-compression.aspx.
3. Overview of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Standard
4. Comparative Rate-Distortion-Complexity Analysis of VVC and HEVC Video Codecs
5. G. Sullivan "Deployment status of the HEVC standard " document JVET-V0020 Apr. 2021. G. Sullivan "Deployment status of the HEVC standard " document JVET-V0020 Apr. 2021.