1. Variational tetrahedral meshing
2. P. Alliez L. Rineau S. Tayeb J. Tournois and M. Yvinec. 2013a. 3D mesh generation. In CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board 4.2 edition. Retrieved from http://www.cgal.org/Manual/latest/doc_html/cgal_manual/packages.ht ml#Pkg:Mesh_3. P. Alliez L. Rineau S. Tayeb J. Tournois and M. Yvinec. 2013a. 3D mesh generation. In CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board 4.2 edition. Retrieved from http://www.cgal.org/Manual/latest/doc_html/cgal_manual/packages.ht ml#Pkg:Mesh_3.
3. P. Alliez L. Saboret and G. Guennebaud. 2013b. Surface reconstruction from point sets. In CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board 4.2 edition. P. Alliez L. Saboret and G. Guennebaud. 2013b. Surface reconstruction from point sets. In CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board 4.2 edition.
4. P. Alliez S. Tayeb and C. Wormser. 2013c. 3D fast intersection and distance computation (AABB Tree). In CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board 4.2 edition. http://www.cgal.org/Manual/latest/doc_html/cgal_manual/packages.html#Pkg:AABB_tree. P. Alliez S. Tayeb and C. Wormser. 2013c. 3D fast intersection and distance computation (AABB Tree). In CGAL User and Reference Manual. CGAL Editorial Board 4.2 edition. http://www.cgal.org/Manual/latest/doc_html/cgal_manual/packages.html#Pkg:AABB_tree.
5. Surface reconstruction by Voronoi filtering