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5. A. Park , J. Kietzmann , and L. Pitt , ' The Impact of Trust Building on Transaction Activity: A Study of Non-Fungible Token Projects [Award Winning Paper]', Feb. 2022 , Accessed : Oct. 05, 2022 . [Online]. Available : https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/rrudoctoralconference2021/chapter/the-impact-of-trust-building-on-transaction-activity-a-study-of-non-fungible-token-projects/ A. Park, J. Kietzmann, and L. Pitt, 'The Impact of Trust Building on Transaction Activity: A Study of Non-Fungible Token Projects [Award Winning Paper]', Feb. 2022, Accessed: Oct. 05, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/rrudoctoralconference2021/chapter/the-impact-of-trust-building-on-transaction-activity-a-study-of-non-fungible-token-projects/