1. Poster Abstract: Low-Power Wireless Channel Quality Estimation in the Presence of RF Smog
2. A. Kalamandeen etal Ensemble: Cooperative Proximity-based Authentication. MobiSys'10. 10.1145/1814433.1814466 A. Kalamandeen et al. Ensemble: Cooperative Proximity-based Authentication. MobiSys'10. 10.1145/1814433.1814466
3. A. Varshavsky etal Amigo: Proximity-based Authentication of Mobile Devices. UbiComp'07. A. Varshavsky et al. Amigo: Proximity-based Authentication of Mobile Devices. UbiComp'07.
4. Robust uncorrelated bit extraction methodologies for wireless sensors
5. K. B. Rasmussen etal Realization of RF Distance Bounding. USENIX Security'10. K. B. Rasmussen et al. Realization of RF Distance Bounding. USENIX Security'10.