1. Commercial assessment of investments : a textbook* / V. E. Esipov [et al. eds. V. E. Esipov. - M.: KNORUS , 2011 . - 697 p. Commercial assessment of investments: a textbook* / V. E. Esipov [et al. eds. V. E. Esipov. - M.: KNORUS, 2011. - 697 p.
2. Zarova , E.V. , Tursunov , B.O. (2021) Regional features of industrial production dynamics in the research of textile enterprises` financial security in Uzbekistan. Vlakna a Textil , 28 ( 1 ), pp. 108 – 115 . Zarova, E.V., Tursunov, B.O. (2021) Regional features of industrial production dynamics in the research of textile enterprises` financial security in Uzbekistan. Vlakna a Textil, 28(1), pp. 108–115.
3. Economic assessment of investments : textbook / ed. by M. I. Rimer. - 4 th ed., reprint. and add. - St. Petersburg.: Peter , 2011 – 425 p. Economic assessment of investments: textbook / ed. by M. I. Rimer. - 4th ed., reprint. and add. - St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2011 – 425 p.
4. Gabidullina G. Z. Model and methodological tools for substantiating socially-oriented investment decisions at energy enterprises: author's abstract. ... Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.13 / G. Z . Gabidullina. - Ufa , 2013 . - 23 p. Gabidullina G. Z. Model and methodological tools for substantiating socially-oriented investment decisions at energy enterprises: author's abstract. ... Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.13 / G. Z. Gabidullina. - Ufa, 2013. - 23 p.
5. Investing . Management of investment processes of innovative economy: textbook.- method. Manual for the preparation of masters in the direction of "Economics" / author's collective: L. S. Valinurova , O. B. Kazakova, E. I. Iskhakova. - Ufa: BAGSU , 2012 . - 77 p. Investing. Management of investment processes of innovative economy: textbook.- method. Manual for the preparation of masters in the direction of "Economics" / author's collective: L. S. Valinurova, O. B. Kazakova, E. I. Iskhakova. - Ufa: BAGSU, 2012. - 77 p.