1. {CHKKS92} Terry W. Clark Reinhard v. Hanxleden Ken Kennedy Charles Koelbel and L. Ridgway Scott "Evaluating Parallel Languages for Molecular Dynamics Computations " Proceedings of the Scalable High Performance Computing Conference the Scalable High Performance Computing Conference April 26-29 1992 Williamsburg Hilton Williamsburg VA. (to appear). {CHKKS92} Terry W. Clark Reinhard v. Hanxleden Ken Kennedy Charles Koelbel and L. Ridgway Scott "Evaluating Parallel Languages for Molecular Dynamics Computations " Proceedings of the Scalable High Performance Computing Conference the Scalable High Performance Computing Conference April 26-29 1992 Williamsburg Hilton Williamsburg VA. (to appear).
2. {DIJ65} E.W. Dijkstra "Cooperating Sequential Processes " Technical Report EWD-123 Technological University Eindhoven The Netherlands 1965. {DIJ65} E.W. Dijkstra "Cooperating Sequential Processes " Technical Report EWD-123 Technological University Eindhoven The Netherlands 1965.
3. $LU$ Factorization Algorithms on Distributed-Memory Multiprocessor Architectures