1. Corman Leiserson and Rivest Introduction to Algorithms McGraw-Hill Book Company New York 1990 chapter 16. Corman Leiserson and Rivest Introduction to Algorithms McGraw-Hill Book Company New York 1990 chapter 16.
2. Horowitz and Sahni Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms Computer Science Press RockviUe Maryland 1978 chapter 5. Horowitz and Sahni Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms Computer Science Press RockviUe Maryland 1978 chapter 5.
3. Sedgewick Robert Algorithms in C++ Addison-Wesley Publishing Company New York 1992 chapter 42. Sedgewick Robert Algorithms in C++ Addison-Wesley Publishing Company New York 1992 chapter 42.
4. Weiss Mark Data Structure's and Algorithm Analysis Benjamin/Cummins Publishing Company Inc. 1992 section 10.3. Weiss Mark Data Structure's and Algorithm Analysis Benjamin/Cummins Publishing Company Inc. 1992 section 10.3.