Merging Inductive Relations


Prinz Jacob1ORCID,Lampropoulos Leonidas1ORCID


1. University of Maryland, College Park, USA


Inductive relations offer a powerful and expressive way of writing program specifications while facilitating compositional reasoning. Their widespread use by proof assistant users has made them a particularly attractive target for proof engineering tools such as QuickChick, a property-based testing tool for Coq which can automatically derive generators for values satisfying an inductive relation. However, while such generators are generally efficient, there is an infrequent yet seemingly inevitable situation where their performance greatly degrades: when multiple inductive relations constrain the same piece of data. In this paper, we introduce an algorithm for merging two such inductively defined properties that share an index. The algorithm finds shared structure between the two relations, and creates a single merged relation that is provably equivalent to the conjunction of the two. We demonstrate, through a series of case studies, that the merged relations can improve the performance of automatic generation by orders of magnitude, as well as simplify mechanized proofs by getting rid of the need for nested induction and tedious low-level book-keeping.


National Science Foundation


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality,Software

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