1. com.atypon.pdfplus.internal.model.plusxml.impl.AuthorGroup@69b73e34
This bibliography is a part of the Computer Science Bibliography Collection 7/3/ 98. http://www.cs.monash.edu.au/ mirrors/bibliography/Distributed/ CSCWBiblio.html Anannotatedbibliography of computersupported cooperative work. This bibliography is a part of the Computer Science Bibliography Collection 7/3/ 98. http://www.cs.monash.edu.au/ mirrors/bibliography/Distributed/ CSCWBiblio.html
2. com.atypon.pdfplus.internal.model.plusxml.impl.AuthorGroup@6770cd72
: Computer-supported cooperative work sites. Internet resources on computer-supported cooperative work compiled by Lee Honeycutt (honeyl@rpi.edu). CSCW Web resources; P. S. Malm's unOfficial Yellow Pages of CSCW; Collabra's Groupware; Central WWW Virtual Library's CSCW Entry; EuroPARC's CSCW 2/6/97. http://www.dcr.rpi.edu/ cscw.html DCR: Computer-supported cooperative work sites. Internet resources on computer-supported cooperative work compiled by Lee Honeycutt (honeyl@rpi.edu). CSCW Web resources; P. S. Malm's unOfficial Yellow Pages of CSCW; Collabra's Groupware; Central WWW Virtual Library's CSCW Entry; EuroPARC's CSCW 2/6/97. http://www.dcr.rpi.edu/ cscw.html
3. com.atypon.pdfplus.internal.model.plusxml.impl.AuthorGroup@634f5544
CSCW pages @ Technische Univ. Muenchen Germany. CSCW bibliography CSCW home - CSCW bibliography - CSCW links. This is a gateway to the bibliographic database on CSCW and related topics maintained at Applied Informatics 1/10/99. http://www.telekooperation. de/cscw/cscw-biblio.html CSCW Bibliography. CSCW pages @ Technische Univ. Muenchen Germany. CSCW bibliography CSCW home - CSCW bibliography - CSCW links. This is a gateway to the bibliographic database on CSCW and related topics maintained at Applied Informatics 1/10/99. http://www.telekooperation. de/cscw/cscw-biblio.html
4. com.atypon.pdfplus.internal.model.plusxml.impl.AuthorGroup@264dc749
This bibliography is a part of the Computer Science Bibliography Collection 7/3/98. http://sgi.felk.cvut.cz/ biblio/Distributed/CSCWBiblio. html An annotated bibliography of computer- supported cooperative work. This bibliography is a part of the Computer Science Bibliography Collection 7/3/98. http://sgi.felk.cvut.cz/ biblio/Distributed/CSCWBiblio. html
5. com.atypon.pdfplus.internal.model.plusxml.impl.AuthorGroup@76db0b2a
CSCW research. My work on CSW information. Bibliography of my collections; USENET news group; comp.groupware; FAQ of bibliography (local copy); FAQ of products (local copy); groupware 9/30/98. http:// salmosa.kaist.ac.kr/wwyi/cscw. html CSCW. CSCW research. My work on CSW information. Bibliography of my collections; USENET news group; comp.groupware; FAQ of bibliography (local copy); FAQ of products (local copy); groupware 9/30/98. http:// salmosa.kaist.ac.kr/wwyi/cscw. html