1. A review of design fixation: research directions and key factors
2. Carina Andersson, Yvonne Eriksson, Lasse Frank, and Bill Nicholl. 2012. Design fixations among information design students: What has been seen cannot be unseen. In DS 74: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education (E&PDE12) Design Education for Future Wellbeing,. Design Society, Antwerp, Belguim. https://www.designsociety.org/download-publication/33183/design_fixations_among_information_design_students_what_has_been_seen_cannot_be_unseen
3. Audi MediaCenter. 2022. Reinventing the wheel? “FelGAN” inspires new rim designs with AI | Audi MediaCenter. https://www.audi-mediacenter.com/en/press-releases/reinventing-the-wheel-felgan-inspires-new-rim-designs-with-ai-15097
4. The Effects of Individual Differences in Working Memory Capacity and Design Environment on Design Fixation
5. Design, User Experience, and Usability. Design Philosophy, Methods, and Tools