1. E. Andreeva A. Bogdanov A. Luykx B. Mennink E. Tischhauser and K. Yasuda. AES-COPA v1. Submission to the CAESAR competition March 2014. http://competitions.cr.yp.to/round1/æscopav1.pdf E. Andreeva A. Bogdanov A. Luykx B. Mennink E. Tischhauser and K. Yasuda. AES-COPA v1. Submission to the CAESAR competition March 2014. http://competitions.cr.yp.to/round1/æscopav1.pdf
2. E. Andreeva A. Bogdanov A. Luykx B. Mennink E. Tischhauser and K. Yasuda. AES-COPA v2. Submission to the CAESAR competition September 2015. http://competitions.cr.yp.to/round2/æscopav2.pdf E. Andreeva A. Bogdanov A. Luykx B. Mennink E. Tischhauser and K. Yasuda. AES-COPA v2. Submission to the CAESAR competition September 2015. http://competitions.cr.yp.to/round2/æscopav2.pdf
3. Parallelizable and Authenticated Online Ciphers
4. E. Andreeva A. Bogdanov A. Luykx B. Mennink E. Tischhauser K.Yasuda N. Datta and M. Nandi. COLM v1. Submission to the CAESAR competition 2016. http://competitions.cr.yp.to/round2/colm.pdf E. Andreeva A. Bogdanov A. Luykx B. Mennink E. Tischhauser K.Yasuda N. Datta and M. Nandi. COLM v1. Submission to the CAESAR competition 2016. http://competitions.cr.yp.to/round2/colm.pdf
5. Authenticated Encryption: Relations among Notions and Analysis of the Generic Composition Paradigm