1. ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Curriculum Task Force (1990) Computing Curricula 1991 Tucker Allen B. et al. ACM Press/IEEE Computer Society Press. ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Curriculum Task Force (1990) Computing Curricula 1991 Tucker Allen B. et al. ACM Press/IEEE Computer Society Press.
2. Aho Alfred V. Sethi Ravi and UUman Jeffirey D. (1985) Compilers- Principles Techniques and Tools Addison- Wesley. Aho Alfred V. Sethi Ravi and UUman Jeffirey D. (1985) Compilers- Principles Techniques and Tools Addison- Wesley.
3. Feldman Michael B. and Koffman Elliot B. (1993) Ada - Problem Solving and Program Design Addison-Wesley. Feldman Michael B. and Koffman Elliot B. (1993) Ada - Problem Solving and Program Design Addison-Wesley.
4. Gehani Narain (1983) Ada - An Advanced Introduction Prentice-Hall. Gehani Narain (1983) Ada - An Advanced Introduction Prentice-Hall.
5. Hayes John P. (1986) Computer Architecture and Organization McGraw-Hill. Hayes John P. (1986) Computer Architecture and Organization McGraw-Hill.