2. F. Ayala-Gómez , B. Daróczy , M. Mathioudakis , A. Benczúr , and A. Gionis . Where could we go?: Recommendations for groups in location-based social networks . pages 93 -- 102 , 06 2017 . F. Ayala-Gómez, B. Daróczy, M. Mathioudakis, A. Benczúr, and A. Gionis. Where could we go?: Recommendations for groups in location-based social networks. pages 93--102, 06 2017.
3. F. Ayala-Gómez , B. Keniş , P. Karagöz , and A. Benczúr . Top-k context-aware tour recommendations for groups. Advances in Computational Intelligence Lecture Notes in Computer-Science, page 176--193 , 2018 . F. Ayala-Gómez, B. Keniş, P. Karagöz, and A. Benczúr. Top-k context-aware tour recommendations for groups. Advances in Computational Intelligence Lecture Notes in Computer-Science, page 176--193, 2018.
4. Context-aware location recommendation by using a random walk-based approach
5. A POI group recommendation method in location-based social networks based on user influence