1. A Parallel Jacobi-Embedded Gauss-Seidel Method
2. Gonçalo N. P. Amador and Abel João Padrão Gomes. 2010a. A CUDA-Based Implementation of Stable Fluids in 3D with Internal and Moving Boundaries . 2010 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications ( 2010 ), 118–128. Gonçalo N. P. Amador and Abel João Padrão Gomes. 2010a. A CUDA-Based Implementation of Stable Fluids in 3D with Internal and Moving Boundaries. 2010 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (2010), 118–128.
3. Gonçalo N. P. Amador and Abel João Padrão Gomes. 2010b . CUDA-Based Linear Solvers for Stable Fluids. 2010 International Conference on Information Science and Applications ( 2010 ), 1–8. Gonçalo N. P. Amador and Abel João Padrão Gomes. 2010b. CUDA-Based Linear Solvers for Stable Fluids. 2010 International Conference on Information Science and Applications (2010), 1–8.
4. Gonçalo N. P. Amador and Abel João Padrão Gomes . 2012 . Linear Solvers for Stable Fluids: GPU vs CPU. Gonçalo N. P. Amador and Abel João Padrão Gomes. 2012. Linear Solvers for Stable Fluids: GPU vs CPU.
5. A Parallel Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Solver for the Poisson Problem on a Multi-GPU Platform