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3. Neural Point-Based Graphics
4. Immersive light field video with a layered mesh representation
5. Alexandre Chapiro , Simon Heinzle , Tunç Ozan Aydın , Steven Poulakos , Matthias Zwicker , Aljosa Smolic , and Markus Gross . 2014. Optimizing stereo-to-multiview conversion for autostereoscopic displays . In Computer graphics forum, Vol. 33 . Wiley Online Library , 63–72. Alexandre Chapiro, Simon Heinzle, Tunç Ozan Aydın, Steven Poulakos, Matthias Zwicker, Aljosa Smolic, and Markus Gross. 2014. Optimizing stereo-to-multiview conversion for autostereoscopic displays. In Computer graphics forum, Vol. 33. Wiley Online Library, 63–72.