1. Carlos Bermejo and Pan Hui . 2021. A Survey on Haptic Technologies for Mobile Augmented Reality. ACM Comput. Surv. 54, 9 , Article 184 (10 2021 ). Carlos Bermejo and Pan Hui. 2021. A Survey on Haptic Technologies for Mobile Augmented Reality. ACM Comput. Surv. 54, 9, Article 184 (10 2021).
2. Multimodal and Context-Aware Interaction in Augmented Reality for Active Assistance
3. A mobile platform for controlling and interacting with a do-it-yourself smart eyewear
4. Paul Dourish . 2001. Where the action is: the foundations of embodied interaction . MIT press . Paul Dourish. 2001. Where the action is: the foundations of embodied interaction. MIT press.
5. Comparing selection mechanisms for gaze input techniques in head-mounted displays