1. 1
. Jones C B Systematic Software Development Using VDM (2nd edition) Prentice-Hall (1990). 1. Jones C B Systematic Software Development Using VDM (2nd edition) Prentice-Hall (1990).
2. 2
. Spivey J M The Z Notation Prentice-Hall (1990). 2. Spivey J M The Z Notation Prentice-Hall (1990).
3. 3
. Hekmatpour S Ince D Software Prototyping Formal Methods and VDM Addison-Wesley (1988). 3. Hekmatpour S Ince D Software Prototyping Formal Methods and VDM Addison-Wesley (1988).
4. A short introduction to the ABC language
5. Arrays and pointers considered harmful