I/O-Efficient Butterfly Counting at Scale


Wang Zhibin1ORCID,Lai Longbin2ORCID,Liu Yixue1ORCID,Shui Bing1ORCID,Tian Chen1ORCID,Zhong Sheng1ORCID


1. Nanjing University, Nanjing, China

2. Alibaba Group, Hangzhou, China


Butterfly (a cyclic graph motif) counting is a fundamental task with many applications in graph analysis, which aims at computing the number of butterflies in a large graph. With the rapid growth of graph data, it is more and more challenging to do butterfly counting due to the super-linear time complexity and large memory consumption. In this paper, we study I/O-efficient algorithms for doing butterfly counting on hierarchical memory. Existing algorithms of the kind cannot guarantee I/O optimality. Observing that in order to count butterflies, it suffices to "witness" a subgraph instead of the whole structure, a new class of algorithms called semi-witnessing algorithm is proposed. We prove that a semi-witnessing algorithm is not restricted by the lower bound Ømega(|E|2/MB) of a witnessing algorithm, and give a new bound of Ømega(min(|E|2/MB, |E|/|V| √M B)). We further develop the IOBufs algorithm that manages to approach the I/O lower bound, and thus claim its optimality. Finally, we make efforts to parallelize IOBufs to further improve the performance and scalability. We show in the experiment that IOBufs significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms EMRC and BFC-EM. In addition, IOBufs can scale to conducting butterfly counting on the Clueweb graph with 37 billion edges and quintillions (10^18 ) of butterflies.


Leading-edge Technology Program of Jiangsu NSF


National Key R&D Program of China


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

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