Power provisioning for a warehouse-sized computer


Fan Xiaobo1,Weber Wolf-Dietrich1,Barroso Luiz Andre1


1. Google Inc., Mountain View, CA


Large-scale Internet services require a computing infrastructure that can beappropriately described as a warehouse-sized computing system. The cost ofbuilding datacenter facilities capable of delivering a given power capacity tosuch a computer can rival the recurring energy consumption costs themselves.Therefore, there are strong economic incentives to operate facilities as closeas possible to maximum capacity, so that the non-recurring facility costs canbe best amortized. That is difficult to achieve in practice because ofuncertainties in equipment power ratings and because power consumption tends tovary significantly with the actual computing activity. Effective powerprovisioning strategies are needed to determine how much computing equipmentcan be safely and efficiently hosted within a given power budget. In this paper we present the aggregate power usage characteristics of largecollections of servers (up to 15 thousand) for different classes ofapplications over a period of approximately six months. Those observationsallow us to evaluate opportunities for maximizing the use of the deployed powercapacity of datacenters, and assess the risks of over-subscribing it. We findthat even in well-tuned applications there is a noticeable gap (7 - 16%)between achieved and theoretical aggregate peak power usage at the clusterlevel (thousands of servers). The gap grows to almost 40% in wholedatacenters. This headroom can be used to deploy additional compute equipmentwithin the same power budget with minimal risk of exceeding it. We use ourmodeling framework to estimate the potential of power management schemes toreduce peak power and energy usage. We find that the opportunities for powerand energy savings are significant, but greater at the cluster-level (thousandsof servers) than at the rack-level (tens). Finally we argue that systems needto be power efficient across the activity range, and not only at peakperformance levels.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Reference25 articles.

1. Advanced Micro Devices Inc. AMD Opteron Processor with Direct Connect Architecture. http://enterprise.amd.com/downloads/2P_Power_PID_41497.pdf September 2006. Advanced Micro Devices Inc. AMD Opteron Processor with Direct Connect Architecture. http://enterprise.amd.com/downloads/2P_Power_PID_41497.pdf September 2006.

2. The Price of Performance

3. Web search for a planet: the google cluster architecture

4. Conserving disk energy in network servers








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