1. 2017. Emulicious (Game Boy {..} Emulator). (2017). Retrieved October 4 2017 from http://emulicious.net (Author: Michael Stegmaier). 2017. Emulicious (Game Boy {..} Emulator). (2017). Retrieved October 4 2017 from http://emulicious.net (Author: Michael Stegmaier).
2. Cool
3. A laboratory approach to teaching compiler writing
4. An educational tool for teaching compiler construction
5. Julie E Mills David F Treagust and others. 2003. Engineering education---Is problem-based or project-based learning the answer. Australasian journal of engineering education 3 2 (2003) 2--16. Julie E Mills David F Treagust and others. 2003. Engineering education---Is problem-based or project-based learning the answer. Australasian journal of engineering education 3 2 (2003) 2--16.