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2. Divide and Conquer Roadmap for Algebraic Sets
3. On the number of homotopy types of fibres of a definable map
4. [Bih11] Frederic Bihan , "Topologie des variétés creuses," Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches , Universitde Savoie , France , 2011 . Downloadable from http://www.lama.univ-savoie.fr/bihan/MyPapers/HDRfinal.pdf [Bih11] Frederic Bihan, "Topologie des variétés creuses," Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Universitde Savoie, France, 2011. Downloadable from http://www.lama.univ-savoie.fr/bihan/MyPapers/HDRfinal.pdf
5. [BRS09] Frederic Bihan , J. Maurice Rojas , and Casey E . Stella, "Faster real feasibility via circuit discriminants," proceedings of ISSAC 2009 (July 28--31 , Seoul, Korea ), pp. 39 -- 46 , ACM Press , 2009 . [BRS09] Frederic Bihan, J. Maurice Rojas, and Casey E. Stella, "Faster real feasibility via circuit discriminants," proceedings of ISSAC 2009 (July 28--31, Seoul, Korea), pp. 39--46, ACM Press, 2009.