Delaunay triangulations in O (sort( n )) time and more


Buchin Kevin1,Mulzer Wolfgang2


1. TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands

2. Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany


We present several results about Delaunay triangulations (DTs) and convex hulls in transdichotomous and hereditary settings: (i) the DT of a planar point set can be computed in expected time O (sort( n )) on a word RAM, where sort( n ) is the time to sort n numbers. We assume that the word RAM supports the shuffle operation in constant time; (ii) if we know the ordering of a planar point set in x - and in y -direction, its DT can be found by a randomized algebraic computation tree of expected linear depth; (iii) given a universe U of points in the plane, we construct a data structure D for Delaunay queries : for any PU , D can find the DT of P in expected time O (| P | log log | U |); (iv) given a universe U of points in 3-space in general convex position, there is a data structure D for convex hull queries : for any PU , D can find the convex hull of P in expected time O (| P | (log log | U |) 2 ); (v) given a convex polytope in 3-space with n vertices which are colored with χ ≥ 2 colors, we can split it into the convex hulls of the individual color classes in expected time O ( n (log log n ) 2 ). The results (i)--(iii) generalize to higher dimensions, where the expected running time now also depends on the complexity of the resulting DT. We need a wide range of techniques. Most prominently, we describe a reduction from DTs to nearest-neighbor graphs that relies on a new variant of randomized incremental constructions using dependent sampling.




Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Artificial Intelligence,Hardware and Architecture,Information Systems,Control and Systems Engineering,Software

Reference67 articles.

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5. Adaptive parallel Delaunay triangulation construction with dynamic pruned binary tree model in Cloud;Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience;2017-05-29







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