1. Random k‐SAT: Two Moments Suffice to Cross a Sharp Threshold
2. Denis Antipov , Benjamin Doerr , and Vitalii Karavaev . 2022. A Rigorous Runtime Analysis of the (1 + (λ, λ)) GA on Jump Functions. Algorithmica (Jan . 2022 ). Denis Antipov, Benjamin Doerr, and Vitalii Karavaev. 2022. A Rigorous Runtime Analysis of the (1 + (λ, λ)) GA on Jump Functions. Algorithmica (Jan. 2022).
3. Generalized jump functions
4. Guy Bresler and Brice Huang . 2021. The Algorithmic Phase Transition of Random k-SAT for Low Degree Polynomials. arXiv:2106.02129 [math-ph, stat] (Oct . 2021 ). arXiv: 2106.02129. Guy Bresler and Brice Huang. 2021. The Algorithmic Phase Transition of Random k-SAT for Low Degree Polynomials. arXiv:2106.02129 [math-ph, stat] (Oct. 2021). arXiv: 2106.02129.
5. Brendan Case and Per Kristian Lehre . 2020. Self-adaptation in non-Elitist Evolutionary Algorithms on Discrete Problems with Unknown Structure . IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation ( 2020 ), 1--1. Brendan Case and Per Kristian Lehre. 2020. Self-adaptation in non-Elitist Evolutionary Algorithms on Discrete Problems with Unknown Structure. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (2020), 1--1.