1. Bell D. E. and LaPadula L. J. 1975. Secure computer system: Unified exposition and Multics interpretation. Technical report ESD-TR-75-306 MITRE Corp. MTR-2997 Bedford MA. Defense Technical Information Center document NTIS AD-A023 588 available on the Web at http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/history.]] Bell D. E. and LaPadula L. J. 1975. Secure computer system: Unified exposition and Multics interpretation. Technical report ESD-TR-75-306 MITRE Corp. MTR-2997 Bedford MA. Defense Technical Information Center document NTIS AD-A023 588 available on the Web at http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/history.]]
2. Biba K. J. 1977. Integrity considerations for secure computer systems. Technical report ESD-TR-76-372 USAF Electronic Systems Division Bedford MA.]] Biba K. J. 1977. Integrity considerations for secure computer systems. Technical report ESD-TR-76-372 USAF Electronic Systems Division Bedford MA.]]
3. Cryptix. n.d. http://www.cryptix.org/products/cryptix31/.]] Cryptix. n.d. http://www.cryptix.org/products/cryptix31/.]]