1. University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
2. Peking University, Beijing, China
3. Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
4. Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
We consider a generalization of the Steiner tree problem, the
Steiner forest problem
, in the Euclidean plane: the input is a multiset
, partitioned into
color classes
\(C_{1},\ldots,C_{k}\subseteq X\)
. The goal is to find a minimum-cost Euclidean graph
such that every color class
is connected in
. We study this Steiner forest problem in the streaming setting, where the stream consists of insertions and deletions of points to
. Each input point
\(x {\in} X\)
arrives with its color
\(\mathsf{color}(x) {\in} [k]\)
, and as usual for dynamic geometric streams, the input is restricted to the discrete grid
We design a single-pass streaming algorithm that uses
space and time, and estimates the cost of an optimal Steiner forest solution within ratio arbitrarily close to the famous Euclidean Steiner ratio
\(1.1547\leq\alpha_{2}\leq 1.214\)
). This approximation guarantee matches the state-of-the-art bound for streaming Steiner tree, i.e., when
, and it is a major open question to improve the ratio to
even for this special case. Our approach relies on a novel combination of streaming techniques, like sampling and linear sketching, with the classical Arora-style dynamic-programming framework for geometric optimization problems, which usually requires large memory and so far has not been applied in the streaming setting.
We complement our streaming algorithm for the Steiner forest problem with simple arguments showing that any finite multiplicative approximation requires
bits of space.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Reference63 articles.
1. Streaming Algorithms for Extent Problems in High Dimensions
2. When Trees Collide: An Approximation Algorithm for the Generalized Steiner Problem on Networks
4. Efficient Sketches for Earth-Mover Distance, with Applications
5. Alexandr Andoni, Piotr Indyk, and Robert Krauthgamer. 2008. Earth Mover Distance over High-Dimensional Spaces. In Proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA). 343–352. Retrieved from