1. Evaluating a Scalable Program for Undergraduate CS Research
2. Albert Bandura . 1977. Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change.Psychological review 84, 2 ( 1977 ), 191. Albert Bandura. 1977. Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change.Psychological review 84, 2 (1977), 191.
3. Brett A. Becker and Keith Quille. 2019. 50 Years of CC1 at SIGCSE: A Review of the Evolution of Introductory Programming Education Research . In Proceedings of the 50th Acm Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. 338–344 . Brett A. Becker and Keith Quille. 2019. 50 Years of CC1 at SIGCSE: A Review of the Evolution of Introductory Programming Education Research. In Proceedings of the 50th Acm Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. 338–344.
4. Novice software developers, all over again
5. Struggles of new college graduates in their first software development job