1. The RAND intelligent terminal agent (RITA) as a network access aid
2. Anderson R. H. Gallegos M. Gillogly J. J. Greenberg R. B. and Villanueva R. RITA Reference Manual. R-1808-ARPA The Rand Corporation Santa Monica (forthcoming). Anderson R. H. Gallegos M. Gillogly J. J. Greenberg R. B. and Villanueva R. RITA Reference Manual. R-1808-ARPA The Rand Corporation Santa Monica (forthcoming).
3. Assisting network users with a network access machine
4. Crocker D. User level functions in MS: a network-oriented message system for personal computing. R-2134-ARPA The Rand Corporation Santa Monica (forthcoming). Crocker D. User level functions in MS: a network-oriented message system for personal computing. R-2134-ARPA The Rand Corporation Santa Monica (forthcoming).