1. What is wrong with my binary search implementation? http: //stackoverflow.com/questions/21709124. What is wrong with my binary search implementation? http: //stackoverflow.com/questions/21709124.
2. Dijkstra’s algorithm not working. http://stackoverflow. com/questions/14135999 . Dijkstra’s algorithm not working. http://stackoverflow. com/questions/14135999 .
3. Logical error in my implementation of dijkstra’s algorithm. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10432682 . Logical error in my implementation of dijkstra’s algorithm. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10432682 .
4. Apex benchmarks. http://apexpub.altervista.org/. Apex benchmarks. http://apexpub.altervista.org/.
5. Euclid algorithm incorrect results. http://stackoverflow. com/questions/16567505 . Euclid algorithm incorrect results. http://stackoverflow. com/questions/16567505 .