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2. K.Hoshino and C.Cheng. 2016. Development of a swordsmanship machine enabling the inner and outer muscles to be safely trained while having fun. Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering. 59--62. DOI= http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3022702.3022711.
3. Kiyoshi Hoshino, Junya Iwasaki, Maki Nakamura. 2018. Portable system for measurement of martial arts movement, The Institute of Electronics. Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Technical Report. 53--56.
4. Kiyoshi Hoshino. 2018. The method for analyzing the motions of martial arts, Patent Application No. 2018--27366, Filling date: Feb 19 2018.
5. Yoshimori Kiriyama, Takeo Nagura, Thomas P.Andriacchi. 2014. Measurement Technique for Ergonomics-Measurement of Body Motion-Motion Measurement and Analysis using Capture System. The Japanese journal of ergonomics, 50, 4, 172--181.