1. Lindsay M Alexander Jasmine Escalera Lei Ai Charissa Andreotti Karina Febre Alexander Mangone Natan Vega-Potler Nicolas Langer Alexis Alexander Meagan Kovacs etal 2017. An open resource for transdiagnostic research in pediatric mental health and learning disorders. Scientific data 4 (2017) 170181. Lindsay M Alexander Jasmine Escalera Lei Ai Charissa Andreotti Karina Febre Alexander Mangone Natan Vega-Potler Nicolas Langer Alexis Alexander Meagan Kovacs et al. 2017. An open resource for transdiagnostic research in pediatric mental health and learning disorders. Scientific data 4 (2017) 170181.
2. Processing speed in children with clinical disorders
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4. Coregistration of eye movements and EEG in natural reading: Analyses and review.
5. Increases in Alpha Oscillatory Power Reflect an Active Retinotopic Mechanism for Distracter Suppression During Sustained Visuospatial Attention