1. N. Froman Outline of a general theory for higher order approximations of the JWKB - type. Arkiv for Fysik Bead 32 nr32 p. 541. N. Froman Outline of a general theory for higher order approximations of the JWKB - type. Arkiv for Fysik Bead 32 nr32 p. 541.
2. S. R. Bourne Automatic Algebraic Manipulation and its Application to the Lunar Theory. Ph. D. Thesis Cambridge University (1970). S. R. Bourne Automatic Algebraic Manipulation and its Application to the Lunar Theory. Ph. D. Thesis Cambridge University (1970).
3. S. R. Bourne and J. R. Horton The CAMAL System Manual Computer Laboratory Cambridge (1971). S. R. Bourne and J. R. Horton The CAMAL System Manual Computer Laboratory Cambridge (1971).
4. D. Barton A new technique for the Lunar Theory. Ph. D. Thesis Cambridge University (1966). D. Barton A new technique for the Lunar Theory. Ph. D. Thesis Cambridge University (1966).