An introduction to quantum computing for non-physicists


Rieffel Eleanor1,Polak Wolfgang


1. FX Palo Alto Laboratory


Richard Feynman's observation that certain quantum mechanical effects cannot be simulated efficiently on a computer led to speculation that computation in general could be done more efficiently if it used these quantum effects. This speculation proved justified when Peter Shor described a polynomial time quantum algorithm for factoring intergers. In quantum systems, the computational space increases exponentially with the size of the system, which enables exponential parallelism. This parallelism could lead to exponentially faster quantum algorithms than possible classically. The catch is that accessing the results, which requires measurement, proves tricky and requires new nontraditional programming techniques. The aim of this paper is to guide computer scientists through the barriers that separate quantum computing from conventional computing. We introduce basic principles of quantum mechanics to explain where the power of quantum computers comes from and why it is difficult to harness. We describe quantum cryptography, teleportation, and dense coding. Various approaches to exploiting the power of quantum parallelism are explained. We conclude with a discussion of quantum error correction.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


General Computer Science,Theoretical Computer Science

Reference54 articles.

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