1. Constructing trees in parallel
2. On the Theory of Dynamic Programming
3. G. Birkhoff . 1967. Lattice Theory. Providence , R.I . third edition. G. Birkhoff. 1967. Lattice Theory. Providence, R.I.third edition.
4. B. A. Davey and H. A. Priestley . 1990. Introduction to Lattices and Order . Cambridge University Press , Cambridge, UK . B. A. Davey and H. A. Priestley. 1990. Introduction to Lattices and Order. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
5. David B Shmoys David P Williamson . 2010. The Design of Approximation Algorithms . Cambridge University Press . David B Shmoys David P Williamson. 2010. The Design of Approximation Algorithms. Cambridge University Press.