1. Kullback Leibler divergence in complete bacterial and phage genomes
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3. Amit Bergman Daniel Deutch and Viviane Slon. 2022. exML GitHub repository. https://github.com/Amitbergman/exMLExplainableMaximumLikelihoodForDnaAnalysis. Amit Bergman Daniel Deutch and Viviane Slon. 2022. exML GitHub repository. https://github.com/Amitbergman/exMLExplainableMaximumLikelihoodForDnaAnalysis.
4. Solomon Kullback and Richard A Leibler . 1951. On information and sufficiency. The annals of mathematical statistics 22, 1 ( 1951 ), 79--86. Solomon Kullback and Richard A Leibler. 1951. On information and sufficiency. The annals of mathematical statistics 22, 1 (1951), 79--86.
5. Yichen Liu , Xiaowei Mao , Johannes Krause , and Qiaomei Fu. 2021. Insights into human history from the first decade of ancient human genomics. Science 373, 6562 ( 2021 ), 1479--1484. Yichen Liu, Xiaowei Mao, Johannes Krause, and Qiaomei Fu. 2021. Insights into human history from the first decade of ancient human genomics. Science 373, 6562 (2021), 1479--1484.