Beyond model checking of idealized Lustre in Kind 2


Larraz Daniel1,Viswanathan Arjun1,Tinelli Cesare1,Laurent Mickaël2


1. The University of Iowa, USA

2. IRIF, CNRS - Université de Paris, Paris, France


This paper describes several new features of the open-source model checker Kind 2. Its input language and model checking engines have been extended to allow users to model and reason about systems with machine integers. In addition, Kind 2 can now provide traceability information between specification and design elements, which can be used for several purposes, including assessing the quality of a system specification, tracking the safety impact of model changes, and analyzing the tolerance and resilience of a system against faults or cyber-attacks. Finally, Kind 2 is also able to check whether a component contract is realizable or not, and provide a deadlocking computation and a set of conflicting guarantees when the contract is unrealizable.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


General Medicine

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5. Coverage in interpolation-based model checking







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