An AADL Contract Language Supporting Integrated Model- and Code-Level Verification


Hatcliff John1,Stewart Danielle2,Belt Jason1,. Robby1,Schwerdfeger August2


1. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA

2. Galois, Inc, Minneapolis, MN, USA


Model-based systems engineering approaches support the early adoption of a model - a collection of abstractions - of the system under development. The system model can be augmented with key properties of the system including formal specifications of system behavior that codify portions of system and unit-level requirements. There are obvious gaps between the model with formally specified behavior and the deployed system. Previous work on component contract languages has shown how behavior can be specified in models defined using the Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) - a SAE International standard (AS5506C). That work demonstrated the effectiveness of model-level formal methods specification and verification but did not provide a strong and direct connection to system implementations developed using conventional programming languages. In particular, there was no refinement of model-level contracts to programming language-level contracts nor a framework for formally verifying that program code conforms to model-level behavioral specifications. To address these gaps and to enable the practical application of model-contract languages for verification of deployed high-integrity systems, this paper describes the design of the GUMBO AADL contract language that integrates and extends key concepts from earlier contract languages. The GUMBO contract language (GCL) is closely aligned to a formal semantics of the AADL run-time framework, which provides a platform- and language- independent specification of AADL semantics. We have enhanced the HAMR AADL code generation framework to translate model-level contracts to programming language-level contracts in the Slang high-integrity language. We demonstrate how the Logika verification tool can automatically verify that Slang-based AADL component implementations conform to contracts, both at the code-level and model-level. Slang-based implementations of AADL systems can be executed directly or compiled to C for deployments on Linux or the seL4 verified microkernel.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


General Medicine

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