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2. Bloomberg News "China Millennials Switch to Coffee as Starbucks Pushes East " 2017. {Online}. Available: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-08-08/china-millennials-swap-tea-for-coffee-as-starbucks-pushes-east. {Accessed: 21-Dec-2018}. Bloomberg News "China Millennials Switch to Coffee as Starbucks Pushes East " 2017. {Online}. Available: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-08-08/china-millennials-swap-tea-for-coffee-as-starbucks-pushes-east. {Accessed: 21-Dec-2018}.
3. P. Jitpleecheep and W. Hicks "Wake up and sell the coffee " Bangkok Post 2019. {Online}. Available: https://www.bangkokpost.com/news/special-reports/1631922/wake-up-and-sell-the-coffee. {Accessed: 13-Apr-2019}. P. Jitpleecheep and W. Hicks "Wake up and sell the coffee " Bangkok Post 2019. {Online}. Available: https://www.bangkokpost.com/news/special-reports/1631922/wake-up-and-sell-the-coffee. {Accessed: 13-Apr-2019}.
4. Customers’ Conscious Experience in a Coffee Shop
5. Customer Experience: Are We Measuring the Right Things?